Barcelona Private Tours in a Convertible

If you have reached this page you are probably interested in getting to know Barcelona – let’s say, in a different way. Coolvertible is not only a unique Convertible tour but also a fun journey of discovery and “à la carte” experience.

Hi, I'm Enric. Barcelona is my hometown, and I know deeply its many faces: cultural, historical, social, artistic, nightlife and style. From the wealthiest uptown neighborhood to the rowdiest spot in Barceloneta. The Barcelona Convertible tour is aimed at travelers who are looking for the real Barcelona, the coolest places and best kept secrets of this amazing city, past and present. I see this as a cool driving experience in BCN rather than a typical shallow tour. I want you to enjoy the tour and have fun, but I especially want you to remember this moment forever. You can ask for any information in the Contact page as well as letting me know about your plans. I will be glad to prepare a tour for you.